This poster, which is also on the walls of my house, is a constant reminder of why Dr. King was in Memphis when he was killed: to march with sanitation workers. They just wanted to be treated like men. Dr. King heard their cry and rushed to their cause!
Lorraine Hansberry, in 1958, raised funds to produce her play, A Raisin in the Sun, which opened in March 1959 at the Ethel Barrymore Theatre on Broadway, meeting with great success. She was 29 years old.
Members of the Black Panther Party: Young, Educated, Talented and Misunderstood.
Alright, get ready for some sho' nuff literary blogs now that I have summons my inspiration.
All three photos were taken, by me, from a Civil Rights exhibit at the Museum of American History in Washington DC. Check it out!
Happy Saturday and 4th of July weekend.
Freedom is a wonderful thing, Ain't it?
Amen and amen!! Thanks for the MLK info. All if the photos were good.