
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Part 5: What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about Breakfast!

If you have been reading my series on passion, you know that I am a passionate person. I am passionate about artists and their art, my health, fellowshipping, and I am also passioniate about breakfast.

About four or five years ago, I was working with this trainer, and he stated that I needed to eat breakfast every morning. I started complaining saying that I could not get up early enough to fix and eat breakfast before I left for work. He stated, "If it's important to you; you will do it."

That statement "If it's important to you; you will do it," convicted me, and I got up the very next day and ate breakfast and have eaten breakfast every morning since. I thought that I was the kind of the person that could not eat as soon as I woke up. However, I have learned that I am hungry in the mornings and need food. I will not leave my house without eating breakfast.

Here is a normal week day breakfast:

Old Fashion Oatmeal with blueberries, raisins, etc.
a protein shake with or without blueberries.
After doing research on breakfast, I realized that breakfast is very important. Maybe it's not important for everybody, but it's definitely important for me. If I don't eat breakfast my energy level is low, and I normally eat all day, and by lunch time, I just can't eat enough.

I want my body to start off on a good note everyday. So, I make sure that my breakfast is not processed or loaded with sugar; I make sure that my breakfast is something that will jump start my body.

On Saturdays, when I meet my running group, I eat old fashioned oatmeal before I leave the house. If I do not go for a run, I will either cook breakfast:

Scrambled egg whites with Ezekiel bread with a little peanut butter
on one side of the bread.

Ezekiel Bread is the best bread in the land!
or I head down the street to Whole Foods where they make my omelet any way that I want it. I love my people at Whole Foods:

Egg white omelet with salmon, capers, garlic, sun dried tomatoes,
onions, a little feta and cheddar cheese with a half slice of French toast and a
a little maple syrup. Heaven!

My favorite omelet maker at Whole Foods!
Is there anyone else out there passionate about breakfast or really can't eat breakfast?

Please share your thoughts on breakfast and what you eat for breakfast.

Read Part 1
Read Part 2
Read Part 3
Read Part 4
Read Part 6 
Read Part 7
Read Part 8

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