
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Thankful Thursday: To Just Be A Girl Sometimes....

Friends In New Orleans

Okay, I know this will sound strange too some, and there are others who will get exactly what I am writing about. So, here it is...

I remember quite vividly being in college with a car, gas card, no bills, and feeling so grown and free. My only real responsibility was to not get put out school for no reason whatsoever.

Well, I remember not worrying about what I was going to eat, or how I was going to get some place, the bills, the job, people etc. All I know is that I was just a girl going with whatever....

Every now and then, I want to be just be a girl, if only for a weekend, and that is exactly what happened on my trip to New Orleans last week: We did not have any real cares. We were just girls who wanted to see what would happen.

Conya, who happened to be in the South for business, picked us up from the airport. We came from Philadelphia, Minnesota, and DC, and we all arrived at New Orleans' airport around the same time. (Serendipity!)

Conya picked us up!
Rachelle and Omiyoe were ready!
Jennifer was ready!

We proceeded to the hotel to check in and begin the weekend just being girls....................

Waiting to check in!
Hotel lobby.. waiting to check in!

And then it started....

Every now and then, it is medicine for the heart to just be a girl if only for a little while!!

Today, Thankful Thursday, I am sooooo grateful to just be a girl sometimes, and in the summer, most of the time.

Consider spending the day with someone who makes you feel youthful...............


  1. My daughters always make me feel like a little girl and keep me youthful. Lol I REALLY enjoyed the pictures and reading this blog! Today I am thankful for my children!

  2. Tracy, children will help a person to stay youthful. That's one of the things that I love about being a teacher.

    It always blesses me to see the interaction between you and your children.

    Thanks for being a faithful reader and for leaving comments.
