
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami

So, today, I was going to workout at 10, go to the pool after that for some relaxation and reading, and then I was going to do my favorite Tuesday night bike ride with free food from Baja Fresh. However, Norwegian Wood slightly changed my plans.

I started reading Norwegian Wood on Saturday, and all that I have wanted to do is read this book. I finished all 270 some pages on Monday night around 10:30pm. I was so moved by this book until I wanted to write about it right after I finished. But, if you know anything about me, I am no good after 10 or 10:30pm. So, I decided to write this post in between my morning workout and pool time. Norwegian Wood is completely amazing!

The narrator of this story, Toru, tells this story through a flashback. He is on a plane and he hears the song "Norwegian Wood" by The Beatles and it causes him to reflect back 18 years to August 1969 when he was getting ready to turn twenty. And that's where this story begins. He is in college and there is a roommate, good friends, girls, drinking. All of the things that may encompass a twenty year old college student's life and sometimes shapes a person's life. (College, college, college... The good, bad, and the ugly, and we made it!!!!!!)

With this story, Murakami uses plan beautiful language to tell a lot of different people's story through the voice of Turu, and boy are the stories captivating. He starts stories and then go to other stories and picks back up with the previous story in a way that makes the reader read with urgency. (My heart was racing throughout this novel.) I am a true sucker for love, and the love scenes and love in this novel shows that love will and can show up when we least expect it, and it may not look the way that we planned for it to look. (Oh My!)

At the end of this novel, I felt totally satisfied with the idea that all of the characters were going to be ALL RIGHT! (I do love happy endings.)

Now, the author, Haruki Murakami, is a contemporary Japanese writer whose work is described as 'easily accessible, yet profoundly complex,' and I couldn't agree more. 

Norwegian Wood pretty much made Haruki a superstar in Japan, and when you read this book, you will know why. 

Haruki Murakami

This story has everything that I love for a story to have in order to make my heart happy: love, suspense, sex, great writing, peoples' life stories etc.....

There are some things that you must do for yourself and reading this book is one of them!

Now it's...............POOL TIME!

Go and buy and read this book.

I must leave you with "Norwegian Wood" by The Beatles:


  1. Jacqueline - I love Norwegian Wood - and it is from the best Beatles album Rubber Soul, too. Have a great weekend

  2. Hi Jacqueline, saw your link at Carole's Chatter. I'd heard about this book but haven't read any of Murakami's books yet - must remedy that! Notice you have Crime & Punishment listed as opne of your favourite books - I'm about 1/3 of the way through it at the moment.

  3. Carole, I absolutely love the Beatles song.

    Carol, I absolutely loved Norwegian Woods and Crime and Punishment.

    Ladies, thanks for stopping by!
