
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Coworkers with common interests

I know that I said that last week's Thankful Thursday blog was going to be the last one, but I started school this week, and it has not been a stressful week at all. Really, it's been quite enjoyable and relaxing. I thought that I won't have time to write much this week, but I've had quite a bit of free time. I've had time to read, write, go to the pool two times and bike two times. So, here is another Thankful Thursday blog.....

You know how faith is doing all that you can, and believing that everything will work out better than you could ever imagine. Well, that's what happened with my career. I really wanted to work in a small school district and a place where I could have longevity. I had no idea that I would love to work with people whom I could possibly share common interests with outside of school.

 So, I'm in a small district, a place where I can have longevity, and "my better than I could ever imagined" is students whom I adore and many coworkers who love to be active as much as I do. (Sometimes we don't know what to ask for, and that is when we have to trust a higher power.)

I am part of a community of people who like to bike, run, canoe and do all of the outdoor activities that I love to do. (Who would have thought......)

Look at what we did today, after school, around 3:30:

My school happens to be right next to a trail that connects to other trails, so we were able to do the Arlington loop today: Arlington to DC to Alexandria and back to Arlington. We had many laughs, much sunshine, some hills and even a baby on the ride.

Today, I am so Thankful for coworkers whom I share common interests with.

By the way, we ran into one of our Assistant Principals RUNNING on the trail. (There is nothing like an active school!)

This school year is going to be our best ACTIVE school year ever!!!

Happy Thankful Thursday....

Encourage someone to try something new...


  1. Jac, you are awesome, and inspire me. Thanks for being Jac!

  2. Kimetha, thanks so much for the compliment, reading this blog, and leaving a comment!

    Trying to see the glass as half full everyday!
