
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Oh, How I love September!


Without a doubt, September is my favorite month, and here are just a few of the reasons why:

Labor Day Weekend and I ran my last half marathon of the year....

Adams Morgan Day!

The H Street Festival!

Congressional Black Caucus!

Spinderalla from the group Salt and Pepper!
Ran into Kenny Rocker whom I went to TU with, and he currently
lives in Nebraska!

Yes, the Honorable Congresswoman Maxine Waters!
The END!

Clarendon 10k race and street festival!

Before the Race!
After the race!

Celebration of 75 Years of Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston!

The author Alice Walker
The Writer: E. Ethel Bert
Andy and Alice
The entertainers!

The DC Tuskegee Alumni Club's, Annual Dr. Luther H. Foster Scholarship Breakfast!

In the midst of "loving September," I managed to teach some pretty awesome lessons, I almost caught up on my Bible readings, had my dryer fixed, worked out 5 to 7 days each week, finished all 900 plus pages of The Count of Monte Cristo, got some training in for my century bike ride that is coming up in October and on and on and on....AND, I ain't tired yet!!

Next is always better so, I'm expecting October to "knock me off of my feet."

Every September in the DC area is completely awesome...... Try it sometimes!!!!!!!

Get to living people...Your Life is Waiting!