
Friday, November 9, 2012

Winter Biking!

I have gone back and forth in my mind about whether or not I should bike throughout the winter. Of course, biking is what I love to do, and I do not want to wait until Spring to ride again. I have come such a long way, and the idea of starting over is a bit overwhelming to me. If a person stops doing any type of exercise for awhile, and goes back to it; it's almost just like starting over. However, there is something called muscle memory, and the muscles will quickly remember and it will not take very long to get back to the previous fitness level. However, I do not want to go backwards; I only want to move forward forever.....But, the fear of the cold has me going back and forth!

Saturday was a very cloudy, cold day, and my mood was off, and it dawned on me that even during the winter, I must be outside being active in order to keep me in the right frame of mind. Now, I do run with my running group throughout the winter, but I need to add biking because being outside is essential for my mental well-being. Nothing lifts my spirits like being physically activity and outside, and it's almost mandatory for me during the winter..

From one of my biking groups, Black Women Bike DC, I found out about a seminar on How to Bike in the Winter and at Night. I arrived at the seminar and was so excited to see many riders that I have ridden with before. One rider, in particular, Lesly, is so excited about riding, until it completely rubs off on me. (Please click on Lesly's name and read all about her.)

This seminar was very informative complete with a fashion show of all the things that can be used to make winter riding enjoyable. Lesly informed me of biking groups that ride throughout the winter, and she also let me know that she would be riding every Tuesday and Thursday, and you know that I am going to join her, because riding with Lesly is so much fun, and I need the rides.

Complete winter and night riding gear!

So, I will be picking up winter biking gear, and I am going to ride throughout the winter...

If you want to buy me something for Christmas, winter biking gear is high on my list. (I'm just saying!)

Make no excuses to do things that bring you pleasure and lift your spirit.

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