
Friday, December 28, 2012

Part 1 Is Almost Over, and On To Part 2.....

Fayetteville, Georgia

Well, I have had the most restful, peaceful holiday season that a person could possible have. I arrived in Georgia last Saturday, and the serious relaxing started. I have seen three movies, finished reading Oliver Twist, shopped some, and spent time with my mom. Now, it's time to head back to Virginia for Part 2 of the holiday season.

My DC people are starting to check in, and I will get more rest, enjoy great fellowship, maybe do some bike rides, and workout with the greatest trainer in the world, Berhane. 

Part 1 of the holiday season is almost over, and now it's time for Part 2.

On to the next.........

Alexandria, VA

I hope that you are enjoying your holiday season.

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