
Friday, January 18, 2013

A Pleasant Surprise!

My college freshman!

I taught Morgan when she was in 9th grade, and then I was blessed to teach her again when she was a senior.

She is home for a visit, and she stopped by to say Hi. What a pleasant surprise!

She is now a freshman at a college in Boston, and you can see from her smile that she is happy...

Morgan is a finance major and will be doing an internship with GE, she is on the lacrosse team, she has her very first boyfriend ever, she is learning great life lessons, and she is loving life.

She remembered me saying that if she plans properly, she will have time to do everything that she wants to do: go to class, study, party, workout, and sleep. (They really do listen.)

I am one proud teacher....

A visit from Morgan was such a pleasant surprise!!

Morgan, keep on keeping on.........

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