
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mid-Month Power Movement Check In.....

Well, we are over half way though the month of February, and time really does fly when you are having fun.

I have heard from quite a few people who decided that they would give up something to honor the power that God has given to us and the people of The Montgomery Boycott, and the stories are quite encouraging.....

Your journey is your journey, and as stated by William Shakespeare: "To Thine Own Self, Be True!"

However, if you started the process of giving something up, even if you stumbled a few times, you are still moving forward.

Rome was not built overnight, and we will not change ourselves overnight. But, with consistency, anything is possible, even changing laws on the books. (Just ask anyone involved in the Civil Rights Movement.)

So People, Keep on Keeping on....

Please, share more of your stories with me so that I may include them in the final post about our movement at the end of the month.

We have nine more days.......

Remember, it is never to late to start something new.

Let's Do This People.

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