
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

"Nowhere is it written that we should not be happy!"

Robin Roberts...Still Winning!

I am a HUGE fan of Robin Roberts....

One of my many joys of the summer is being able to watch Good Morning American where Robin Roberts warmly gives us the news.

She is such a display of a strong women who is caring and soft at the same time. (She has a great balance!)

I've been following her health journey, and I must say that her journey is one that makes me extremely happy; Robin is a winner!!!

Watching The Oscar's, I must admit that I was a little jealous of Robin's arms, and I called my trainer to tell him that I need to do more arm work.

Robin's story was told on 20/20, and she stated: "Nowhere is it written that we should not be happy."

Hearing that made me so happy, because I believe that we all should consider striving to be happy everyday; I do believe that it is possible.

Everyday, I find myself doing a lot of laughing, mainly because I absolutely love to laugh and laughing makes me feel youthful...

Being happy is contagious, and the joy that Robin brings to Good Morning America is definitely contagious.

I'm extremely happy that she is back and is spreading HAPPY!!

I can't wait until the summer so that I see Robin everyday....

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