
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Our Future is Bright!

I know that we all watch the news, and it oftentimes gives us negative reports about our youth. But, working with high school students everyday, I know that they are not all in gangs, giving up on school, up to no good.....Many are out there working extremely hard to secure their future and ours.

When I teach Song of Solomon to my seniors, we talk about Emmet Till, because Toni Morrison mentions him in her novel. Well, here is a note that I received from one of my students about Emmett Till:

How are you? Did you read about this? I just remembered you telling us about Emmett Till!!! and I thought I should use it. I went to fashion week and I went to the Prabal Grung Target launch party!! It was so much fun!

Some of them are taking it all in.......

I'm a Happy Teacher Today!

Oh yea, I thought that I would add that during my run this morning, I saw The Presidential Motorcade. (MORE FAVOR!)

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