
Friday, May 31, 2013

Literature IS a Big Sea........

My Book List!

At the beginning of each school year, I start to compile a list of books to read. Most of the books on the list are my students' recommendation, and the others may be books that I read about in a magazine or books that people tell me about.

I love to read the books that my students recommend, because we get to have great discussions about books. Also, they absolutely love when I tell them that I am reading a book that they recommended.

It seems that the more I read, there are even more books to read!

I read just about every book that was on my list, and now I am starting to compile another list of books that I will read.

The world is literally full of books and authors.

Another blogger, Carole, whom I want to call friend because I love her blog so much, does this monthly post where she ask bloggers to post some of their favorite blogs about books. Every time that I go to her Books You Love Post, I am reminded of how many books there are in the world and how many books I have not read yet and how many I really want to read. (Man, I got to get busy!)

When I read Langston Hughes' autobiography, The Big Sea, he stated in that book that "Literature is a Big Sea Full of Many Fish," and I am finding that quote to be absolutely true.

Once I decided that I would write a blog to write about books that I read, I knew that I had to call this blog THE BIG SEA, because I totally agree with Langston: "Literature is Big Sea Full of Many Fish!"

Writing about books has made me fall more and more and more IN LOVE with books and authors, and I just can't get enough.

My people, try something TODAY that you think that you may like such as working out, eating right, reading, and see how the love will grow...

Thanks for the Blog title Langston!

Happy Friday..........


  1. Awesome! I never thought about that being the reason why you named your blogs that title! I also LOVE to read!!

  2. Yes, Langston has a HUGE influence on this blog! Tracy, reading is fundamental........
