
Friday, June 21, 2013

Absalom, Absalom by William Faulkner

Now you know that I absolutely love books and will give almost any book a try right?

I read every tedious page of Water For Elephants even though I wanted to give up many times, and I really valued the historical lesson that I learned about the circus. I also read every arduous page of Wolf Halland I actually understood it and enjoyed it.

As you can see, I'm definitely not a quitter.......

So, after reading Light in August by William Faulkner, which is a very rich text, I really wanted another good story so I decided to try Faulkner again.

I read over 100 pages of Absalom, Absalom, and I have no clue what happened in those 100 pages. With Absalom, Absalom, Faulkner uses a technique called circumlocution which is where an author approaches his material in circular movements rather than heading directly to the heart of the story. The reader gradually becomes aware of events, facts, motivations, and emotions, and for some reason, I just could not keep all of the events and characters straight. I would follow one story and think that I had grasped it, and then he would go in a completely different direction with these long, convoluted sentences that really left me confused.

To this end, I will not be reading the rest of Absalom, Absalom. 

I'm not a Quitter, but I do know when to Quit!

My next read is Where the Heart Bleeds by Jasmyn Ward. If you can remember, I definitely did not care for Jasmyn's book Salvage the Bones, but since she teaches in my home state, I can't give up on her yet....

Do some sho' nuff good laughing this weekend....

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