
Friday, July 5, 2013

Beer, Wine, and Cocktails....

Having a drink, which for me is beer, wine, or a mixed drink, is completely social for me. I am never in my house and think that I want a beer, glass of wine, or a cocktail.

Well, a few nights back, I met some friends out for happy hour, and since I have 'renewed my mind' about my health, I normally can resist a drink even at happy hour. I go to happy hour, because I love to socialize and not to drink. Anyway, at this happy hour, they were serving FREE Grey Goose vodka, and how could I resist a free drink. So, I had one. Then one of my friends brought me another drink, and I refused to let myself drink another drink mostly because I was thinking about the calories, about how Berhane and I are working like crazy to get my stomach as flat as possible; operation six pack is in full force, and I was also thinking about how I like to wake up feeling energetic in the mornings, and drinking alcohol takes away some of my morning umph! My mind would not stop and I was thinking about how alcohol dries the skin out, it is a poison, I have just as much fun whether I have a drink or not and on and on and on.....

The next morning I got on the scale and looked at myself naked in my full length mirror just like I do every morning, and everything was fine, but I mentally felt bad. I felt horrible when I thought about how that drink set me back, just a little, on my 'operation six pack mission,' and I also felt like I let  free alcohol control me, and I strongly dislike the idea of anything controlling me.

Yesterday was the 4th of July, and you know how people in this country eat, drink, and be merry on the 4th. However, I am determined to be concerned about my health, even on holidays. So, I met some friends at this awesome bar near my house, and I drank water. We all went to my place after we left the bar and there was LOTS of wine flowing, and I did not have one sip. I also did not eat the pizza, ribs, chicken, or the potato salad; I did eat a few pita chips with hummus, but overall, I did great on the 4th of July, which is really National Eat and Drink Whatever Day!

So, not having beer, wine, or a cocktail was easier than I thought in a situation where lots of wine was flowing.

This 'renewing of the mind' thing is working!

Let's see how it goes in Chicago this weekend......

I'll keep you posted!

Happy Friday, My People.


  1. Awesome!! Self discipline and renewing of the mind is definetly a process. I am on my journey too..,right behind you. No ribs, chicken for me either. Lol

  2. We're in this thing together....

  3. Jacqueline, I really admire your discipline... now where's that wine bottle???
