
Thursday, August 29, 2013

What I Know For Sure Thursday: We Were Meant To Have Life and To Have It Abundantly!

      1In the beginning the Word already existed.
The Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
2He existed in the beginning with God.
3God created everything through him,
and nothing was created except through him.
4The Word gave life to everything that was created,
and his life brought light to everyone.
5The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness can never extinguish it.
(The Bible John 1:1-5)

I absolutely believe The Word......

The Word gave life to everything that was created......

The Word states that God sent Jesus "so that we can have life and have life more abundantly," and I believe that....

Now, it has taken me quite awhile, maybe as long as 40 plus years to actually realize that I can and is suppose to live an abundant life. Once I began to live what I know, and that is that God has given us dominion over everything on this earth, I began to live life and live life abundantly.

I know that many are asking what does it mean to live an "abundant life?"

Well, for me, living an abundant life means to make sure that I live a life that honors God by doing things that I absolutely love to do with people whom I love.

I truly believe that God did not intend for us to go to work, go back home, and go back to work again the next day, and the next, and the next....

I believe that he wants us to enjoy the things that he has put on this earth for us and to do things that honor him like being a good person, taking good care of our bodies, having hobbies and doing them often, enjoying free time, and doing whatever else that may tickle our fancies and that honors him. 

However, when we sit around and act in fear by telling ourselves what we can not do, I know, for sure, that we are keeping ourselves from living the abundant life that we are suppose to live.

Doing strenuous work outs and eating things that are good for my body, definitely add to me living an abundant life. Because without good health, it is sometimes impossible to enjoy the things that God has put on this earth for us.

I know for sure that I love people and being with great people adds to me living an abundant life. I also love taking care of one of my greatest gifts that God has given to me, my body. So, I have combined my love for people with my desire to take care of my temple, and this has added to my abundant life. I have met and formed incredible bonds with lots of people through my biking and running groups and working out with the greatest trainer in the world, Berhane. And these things make me feel so happy and fulfilled which lead to me living an abundant life.

I love plays, and museums, and outdoor festivals, and I do these things often. Yea, when a play is on a Wednesday night, I use to think that maybe I should not go, because I would have to go to work the next day. Now, I put on my clothes and go and see a play on whatever night that I want to, and I still go to work the next day and perform to the top of my potential. I know that God does not want me to only enjoy this life on the weekends and during the summer, but I know that he wants me to enjoy my life everyday, year round, and I do.

I have lived a super abundant life this summer. I have had days filled with activities and people whom I absolutely love. However, school started Monday, and it took me a day or so to get back into that school frame of mind, but once I put my school cap back on, my life became even more abundant. I absolutely love words, and I love to convey my love for words to my students. Today, I was working on my lessons for the novel Annie John by Jamaica Kincaid, and all I can say is that I felt an abundance of excitement and joy in my heart. I know that teaching literature is what God has called me to do, and teaching literature definitely adds to the abundant life that God wants me to live.

For the commemorative March on Washington that was held on Saturday, I had to be very careful about choosing the person whom I would go to The March with. I've learned The Power of Now, and I was willing to go by myself before I went with someone who could not be in the moment. By that, I mean that I could not be with someone who complains, or was in a hurry, or someone who was not willing to see what the day would bring. And, God sent Adrian.

Adrian is a fellow Tuskegee graduate, and Adrian loves life. The joy that he has is contagious, and he is the type of person whom I wanted to go to The March with. He sent me a text about hooking up to go to The March together, and we were together all day, being in the moment. We enjoyed the speakers, we walked to The King Memorial, we went to the Willard Hotel to take a picture with the wax statue of Dr. King, we caught a cab to have dinner and to see Dr. Cornell West, and not one time did either one of us complain; we were in the moment, and I know that being in the moment plays a huge part in living an abundant life.

While doing a lot of walking and standing at The March, we talked about happiness. Adrian stated that happiness is priceless and that it is important to not let anyone steal our happiness. I've thought a lot about our conversation, and I know for sure that anything or anyone who is causing us not to be happy, is taking away from us living the abundant life that God wants us to live.

Here is an article that gives us 30 things that we should consider not doing in order to live an abundant life: "30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself, " and I try to live by these 30 things.....

Today, on this Thursday, I know for sure that we can all live an abundant life; it's a choice...

By the way, this weekend is Labor Day weekend which marks the end of summer. So, to that end, this is my last What I Know For Sure Thursday post...

It's been fun and real!

Thanks for taking the journey with me...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

2 Times Is All Right With Me.......

So, you know that on Saturday I attended a rally to commemorative 50 years since the historic March on Washington. I believe that the atmosphere at that march may have closely mimicked the atmosphere of The March of 1963. The speakers were mostly everyday people who represented different organizations, and there were lots of signs that displayed what people were passionate about, and almost everyone had a demand:

However, the March that was held today was held on the actually date that The March of 1963 was held: August 28, and the speakers and performers were mostly celebrities, Civil Rights Icons, and even three Presidents of the United States. There were very few signs displayed, and the crowd was more subdued but festive.

Before The President and First Lady came out, we were sitting around on the National Mall being entertained:

However, when the President and First Lady came out, we were all on our feet:

On a side-note, The First Lady looked awesome in that BEAUTIFUL dress...

Soooooo, I thought a lot about the people who risked their lives and livelihood to attend that March 50 years ago, I thought about their urgency for change, and I thought about how after that March, four little girls were killed when a church was bombed in Birmingham, Alabama, and I thought about how Malcolm X, President Kennedy, and Dr. King were all killed after that historic March where Dr. King gave one of the most famous speeches of all times. I am sure that many may have felt that after that iconic March, things were not much better. However, now we know that The March on Washington did matter, that being in that number did matter. That March did matter.....

So, after two commemorative Marches, I went back home, but I went back home differently; I went back home being reminded that the struggle continues and continuing to know that I have a role to play. Tomorrow, things may not appear to be any different, but they will be, and prayerfully, in the near future we will demand that the country revisit the Stand Your Ground Laws, the Supreme Courts' decision to do away with part of the Voter's Right Act, minimum wages, the criminal justice system and on, on, and on... And in 50 years, we can tell how these commemorative Marches did matter...

I am so grateful to have been at both Marches......

Rain nor Security could keep me away today!

A little rain couldn't damper the mood!

2 Times Is All Right With Me.....

Monday, August 26, 2013

Happy New Year!

Back In My Classroom

Today is my first day back at school, and I must admit that I was feeling a bit of anxiety about the start of school. I enjoyed my free time soooo much, and I hated to see my good thing come to an end.

This morning I went into my regular routine of listening to something that feeds my soul on the way to work. I opted for a Joel Olsteen sermon, because it is perfectly timed for my ride to work, around 20 minutes.

This morning I listened to a sermon titled "Say So," and Joel talked about the idea that we can tell how our lives are and will be based on the words that we speak. And, I started saying to myself "This will be my calmest, best school year ever." Not only did I speak those words over and over, but I also spoke positive words about some other things that are going on in my life, and I believe them.....

I went inside of the school, and I checked my mailbox and there was this note from a student:

This will be my calmest, best school year ever......

Happy Monday and New Year, My People!!!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

50 Years Later in Images.....

Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton

Tom Joyner of The Tom Joyner Morning Show and Tuskegee Graduate!
Former student, Noel, who is a Spelman College and Columbia University Graduate

Rev. Joesph Lowery: Civil Rights Activist 

Dr. Cornel West

"We came to Washington to Commemorate, and We Are Going Home to Agitate"....Rev. Joesph Lowery's words that were spoken at The Commemorative March on Washington.

I am sooooo grateful to be alive for "Such A Time As This!"

It's time to continue to self-reflect and self-assess and act......

We've come to far to give up now!!

Friday, August 23, 2013

I AM SOOOO Ready.....

T-Shirt that I am wearing tomorrow!

for the rally to commemorate 50 years since The March on Washington where Dr. King gave his famous "I Have A Dream" speech.

I met some friends in DC earlier, and I could not resist riding by the Lincoln and Dr. King Memorials, and everything seems to be in place and ready.....

Long Live The King and the many Civil Rights Warriors!

Images from 50 years ago:

"I Can't Wait To Be In The Number....."

Thursday, August 22, 2013

What I Know For Sure Thursday: We Can't Take Life To Seriously, because...

God does have a sense of humor!

It has taken me 40 plus years to realize that life can not be taken to seriously. So, let me give you a great example of why we can't take life to seriously....

Tuesday night I did a 16 mile hill bike ride, and Wednesday morning I did a 61 mile hill bike ride. After those two rides, I did not want to see my bike again. I even told myself that I would not get on my bike again until next Tuesday or Wednesday, and I meant that.

This morning I thought that I had a 10:30 dentist appointment. The dentist office is about three miles from my house so, if I left home around 10:10, that would be just fine. Lo and behold, I got outside and one of the tires was flat on my truck. I didn't get upset, because I have learned to not take life to seriously. My first mind thought that I should call the dentist to cancel, but my next mind thought that I should call the dentist and tell him that I would be a little late and ride my bike to his office. My second mind won, and my legs were not happy at all. (God does have a sense of humor.)

I called the dentist, and the receptionist told me that my appointment was actually at 10:50, and I had time to make it by bike. Well, after riding for 61 miles for over five hours, my hind parts were a bit sore, and all of my padded biking shorts were in the washer, and I could not wait for them to dry. So, I had to bike to the dentist without my padded shorts. (God does have a sense of humor.)

When I got to the dentist office, the receptionist stated "So, you've had a bad morning," and I thought about it and replied "No, it has not been bad at all." (We can't take life to seriously.)

I left the office with clean teeth, and called AAA to come and check on my tire, and I decided to stop by Wholefoods for a snack. After my snack, I was riding at a snail's pace towards home, I got a call from AAA stating that they were at my house. Oh my, my legs just couldn't move faster, but they had to. (God does have a sense of humor.)

I finally made it home, and the nicest AAA guy put air in my tire, and told me that I needed to go and have that tire checked. But wait, I had a 2:30 hair appointment, and I didn't have time to get that tire checked. However, they urged me to go and get the tire checked right away, and I did.

After about 40 minutes, the tire problem was solved, and I was on the way home. However, it dawned on me that I had the wrong tire checked. So, I had to go back and wait about 30 more minutes to get the right tire checked. (God does have a sense of humor.)

Much later than scheduled, I did make my hair appointment, and now I am home...

And, all I can say is "Today was a good day!"

People, We Can't Take Life To Seriously, because God does have a sense of humor.

Happy What I Know For Sure Thursday!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

School Needs To Start So That I Can......



I was invited to Marshall, Virginia to do a bike ride....

I didn't ask a lot of questions about the ride; I just called a friend to go with me.....

We got to Marshall around 9:30 this morning, and we proceeded to do one of the toughest rides that I have EVER done....

Over 61 miles of Hills, and I ain't lying.....

It's hard for me to say no to an adventurous ride, Soooo....

I really need for school to start so that I will not have time for a 61 mile bike ride in the middle of the week....

Every muscle is tired.....

So, this must have been a good day...

Yep, it was.....