
Sunday, November 17, 2013


Nikki and Me

Saturday, one of my favorite writers of all times was at The National Portrait Gallery to read a poem that she wrote for a book titled Lines in Long Array. The book is a compilation of pieces to commemorate 150 years since the Civil War.

Commemorative Book!
Autographs of nine of the contributors!

If you read this blog often, or if you read this blog every now and then, know that Nikki is in the DC area quite often, and I see her just about every time that she is here. And, every time that I see her, I get the same message over and over and over again: "NEVER BE AFRAID TO BE MYSELF."

Nikki speaks 'her truth,' and she speaks it honestly and openly. It doesn't matter if I see Nikki on a very dignified occasion or a more relax occasion, Nikki is always Nikki. She seems to never change to fit the environment; she is who she is all the time.

In the past, I thought that I should adjust what I say and how I act based on my environment, and thanks to Nikki, I am who I am in ALL situations. I am the same with my students as I am with my friends; I am the same all of the time. I love to laugh and I do it anywhere, everywhere, and with anybody.

Nikki is a great example that promotion comes from God, because a lot of the things that she say are not politically correct, but she says them anyway, and keeps right on soaring. I have learned from Nikki to always speak 'my truth' and speak it boldly.

At The Portrait Gallery, Nikki stated that she wanted to name her poem "I got a message for the South: You Lost." However, the editors of the book thought that the title of the poem did not fit the feeling that they were going for in the book. However, Nikki stated that she changed the title of the poem for the book, but she also stated that "there is a such thing as my book, and in my book, the poem will be titled I got a message for the South: You Lost."

I always feel that the Nikki that I see in public is the same Nikki that I would see in her home.

Nikki Dares Greatly, and she inspires me to do the same!!!

On another note, I got a gentle reminder that I am not the only person in the world who thinks that Nikki is completely awesome...

I assisted an older woman in getting a parking space at The Portrait Gallery, and I noticed that she had the commemorative book in her hand, and we talked briefly about Nikki and the book signing. As I was leaving to go inside of The Portrait Gallery, I said to her 'enjoy the program.'

After the program she left this note on my car:

I'm not the only person who thinks that Nikki is remarkable...

If you are having trouble Daring Greatly, find people who are doing it and doing it well, and emulate!

This is the day.... Rejoice and Be Glad!

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