Monday, November 25, 2013
The Coldest Winter Ever....
So, yesterday was a blustery, cold day... The high was around 32 degrees, but with the wind chill factor, it felt like it was about 19 degrees.....
And, I decided to go for a bike ride...I decided that I would ride to The King Memorial and ride back home...
Crazy Right???
Well, once my fingers and my toes were feeling like they were going to fall off, I knew that I was doing something that was completely crazy…
Soooooo, why would I do this???
In a post a few weeks back, I wrote about some news things that were happening in my life that were exciting and scary at the same time. Well, I've been invited to be on a cycling, racing team, and the thought had me extremely scared and excited at the same time. At first I thought "I am not ready," but my second thought was "Why am I not ready?" I've been cycling quite a lot. So, I met with the three other ladies who are going to be on this racing team that consists of about 10 to 12 men, and after the meeting, I decided that I would Dare Greatly and give being on this team a try.
Saturday was my first ride with the team. We met at a Starbucks for coffee and laughs, and we rode out. Well, you know how I love group cycling, and I got that warm feeling as soon as we got on the road; we were a team. I have never ridden 44 miles at this particular speed before, and I was pushed harder than I have ever been pushed before, and it felt soooooo good! Yep, I finished a little behind the team, but I finished!!!!!
Well, we were supposed to ride Sunday as well, but it was cold and blustery so, I punked out. I went to the grocery store around 9, and I realized that it was cold but sunny, and pure guilt made me get on my bike. Being on a team means being committed, and I felt like I was not being committed by punking on the Sunday ride. Sooooo, I got on my bike to take a ride in The Coldest Winter Ever!
Of course this is not The Coldest Winter Ever, but when I got to The King Memorial, and my hands and toes were hurting from being cold, my brain thought that "This is The Coldest Winter Ever," and I instantly thought of the novel by Sister Souljah that is titled The Coldest Winter Ever…
I thought a lot about this novel on my way back home. I remembered thinking, when I read this book quite a few years back, that this novel was pure trash; however, it was such intriguing trash, and I thoroughly enjoyed every page. If you want an awesome read, try The Coldest Winter Ever...
It is amazing what a person can and will think about on a bike ride....
Anyway, I finished my ride, my toes or fingers did not fall off, and two of my favorite people in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD brought dinner over, and I went to bed feeling quite content.
I won't be riding in 19 or so degrees again, BUT
My people, I am Daring Greatly!
I need your warm thoughts and prayers as I explore this new adventure!!!
This is the day..... Rejoice and Be Glad!!!
Love your commitment level and that definitely take self discipline!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Tracy!