
Friday, April 4, 2014

One For The Record Books....

Faculty Basketball Team!

So, this school year has been one for the record books for sure....

I picked up another AP (Advance Placement) literature class this year, and that means that I teach two AP literature classes instead of the one that I normally teach. The amount of reading that I have been doing this year is really numbers for the records books. My AP students have been writing at least one essay a week almost every week since school started, so I won't even try and add up the number of essays that I have graded this year, AND we ain't through writing yet. I normally refuse to do school work at home, but I have had to spend a few snow days reading and grading.....

Also, with my AP classes, I am still teaching some of the same novels that I taught last year, and I re-read every last one of them every year. I added a new book to the list this year, which means that I needed to read the new book again, and create lessons to go with it....

This year, I stopped teaching 9th grade English, and I picked up three 10th grade English classes in addition to my two AP literature classes. So, this was a new curriculum for me with new things to teach. I have been reading, studying, and creating lessons for this class as well. I must admit that I have thoroughly enjoyed building this new class, and I am looking forward to next year so that I can work out more of the details.

This school year, I have been doing a whole lot of reading, grading, planning, and creating, AND being extremely busy has caused this year to literally fly by...I am finding it hard to believe that we are in the 4th quarter; it ain't over yet, but we are on the way to the finish line.

If nothing else, this school year has reconfirmed to me that I like learning and growing...

Not only have I been learning and growing in my professional life but in my personal life as well....

Racing on a cycling team has caused me to stretch beyond what I could ever imagine, and I am sooo excited about the possibilities.

I have some other things going on in my personal life that is causing me to stretch and grow, and I am absolutely loving that learning and growth process as well......

My people, this has been a school year for the records books....but I could not imagine living a life where I did not stretch and grow... I don't want it to EVER stop!!!!

One day when I am very old, I hope that I am stretching and growing and having years that are ones for the record books.

My God is Totally Awesome!!!

Happy Friday, My People.

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