
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Tuesday Nights.......

My social life and cycling have become completely intermingled, and I am loving it. There is nothing like spending time with people who share a common interest. Also, cyclist are some of the nicest people in the whole wide word, for real..

Well, a bike shop in the area has started it's every Tuesday, hilly ride. I've been doing this hilly ride for two years; however, this year is different...

I've met quite a few people through racing, and we have connected through social media. I was invited to meet quite a few cyclist at a person's house near the bike shop, and we climb those hills. Afterwards, we sit around and talk, drink beer, and eat snacks. Those hills ain't so bad when the treat at the end is our social time. (I must make the disclaimer that I do not eat the snacks nor drink the beer just in case Berhane, the Greatest Trainer in the World is reading this blog.)

Here is a glimpse of our post-ride partying so to speak:

I love Tuesdays...

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