
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Intentional Thursday: Let's Be Happy!

I was in the bed and was about to go to sleep, and I realized that it is Intentional Thursday, and I needed to write, sooooo here I am!

Met up with Sonya, college friend,
and being with Sonya
ALWAYS makes me happy!

We have practiced being non-judgmental, meditating, being someone's miracle, and gratitude. Not sure about you, but this has really been working for me. I feel a peace that passes understanding, and I want to say it is because of Intentional Thursdays, or it may simply be because I am on summer vacation. So, let's assume that it is a combination of the two.

My people, it's difficult to put into words what I am feeling, but "This joy that I have, the world did not give it to me!"

Being intentionally grateful caused me to have a very joyful week. I am grateful that I was able to cycle to see my mother play bingo at the senior citizen place that she loves, I am grateful that I was able to cycle in Georgia and the temperature was just right, I am grateful that I had the opportunity to take my mom to two doctors appointments and even dinner one day, I am grateful that my friend Sonya, whom I have known since college, wanted to meet me out tonight, I am grateful that my friend, Maya, called on my road trip to Atlanta to offer words of wisdom that I needed, I am grateful that I had a seamless drive to Atlanta, I am grateful that my friend, Dr. Denard, sent me a text message from Cape Town, South Africa today, and I could go on and on and on..... Gratitude definitely adjust attitudes. 

So, for the next week, let's just be intentionally happy! We've been practicing a lot of things lately, and why don't we take all that we have been practicing and just be happy.....While we are on the way to being perfect, let's live everyday to the fullest and be intentionally happy!

I know that many of you feel that you have no reason to be happy, but if you really think about it, you have many reasons to be happy: you are alive, you can read, God loves you..... "Change the way that you look at things, and what you look at will change."

My people, let's continue to work on ourselves, and be intentionally happy while we are working!

Happy Intentional Thursday......

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