
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Alive and Energized!

I never lie to myself; if I tell myself that I am going to do something, I do it.

I joined a challenge to post a blog every day during the month of February, and I did just that. I even posted an extra blog just because I could. I enjoyed giving my blog daily attention, and my love for connecting to people through this blog intensified. (I'm quite excited about this!)

I was at a cycling conference in Columbus, Ohio a few years back, and one of the panelist was a doctor who stated that our bodies do not respond well to inactivity. My People, I must add that I do not believe that our lives respond well to inactivity either.

During February, I was purposefully active, and it was totally liberating!

I posted a blog every day, attended two book club meetings, a Super Bowl party, a book talk and signing, a lecture series on Alice Walker, a talk and museum tour, and on top of that, I read for pleasure just about every day, completed two application for summer programs, exercised with my trainer three days a week, rode my bike five days most weeks, taught great lessons, and prepared most of my meals myself.

And, I am not tired; I actually feel alive and energized... My life responds quite well to activity.

Here is a look at some of my February activities:

Delta Sigma Theta Book Club
Super Bowl Party
Natalie Baszile book talk and signing
Bike Ride
Brunch with cycling teammates
Curator of the National African Art Museum

New friend Darcy!
African American Book Lovers Book Club
Tressa and me...meeting up just because!

My soul and life are glad!

I guess you thought that after February I would stop posting for awhile, but you can't get rid of me that easily.

This is the Day.........

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