
Friday, April 3, 2015

Career Decisions!

This week I have been on Spring Break, and I have been bustling around my neighborhood getting a lot go stuff done, but I have also had quite a bit of much needed time to think.....

My career has been on my mind. My desire is to use literature and words to reach as many people as I possibly can. I've been thinking if teaching in public schools is giving me the opportunity to reach a lot of people, and of course it does, but is it enough?

So, I know about all of these educational companies and these non-traditional schools that seem to be on the rise with the goal of improving how we educate children. I know people who are working with these companies and who are also working in those non-traditional schools, and I like and appreciate the work that they are doing. So, I have been thinking about the idea of working for one of those companies or one of those non-traditional schools, but will that serve my purpose of using literature to reach more people?

Many of my friends are working long hours which means from 7:30 to about 6. For me, that would feel like giving up my life in order dedicate more time to work, and I must read, write, workout, and do things that cultivate my learning on a regular basic. Not sure how I would fit in the things that I must do if I start to work longer hours.

Also, quite a few of my friends who are working with these educational companies work from home and/or spend quite a bit of time traveling. Now, I know that it seems like I am making excuses to stay where I am, but I know myself very well.... I would not do well working from home, because I thrive off interacting with people regularly. Also, I don't want to travel regularly; flying, hotels, eating out often is not appealing to me at all.

So, I have been thinking about how can I use literature and words to reach more people... I could continue to teach high school students where I reach at least 100 students every year, and I can write a book about teaching novels, continue to present on teaching novels at professional conferences, work for the college board during the summers teaching teachers how to teach AP classes....

After much thought, I realize that there are possibilities of using literature and words to reach more people, and with those possibilities, I can still have time to read, write, cycle, attend events in my community, have an active social life, and attend summer programs to enhance my learning.....

I am feeling so much better now that I have thought this out completely, and I also feel better knowing that I have options that do not include working long hours or regular travel.

Thanks for allowing me to use this space to get this out.....

Happy Good Friday..... JESUS IS ALIVE!!!

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