
Friday, May 8, 2015

The Little Things.....

I do not do my job well for accolades; I do it, because I love it......

This week was teacher appreciation week, and a parent came to my room to drop off these flowers:

A student brought in these flowers:

And a parent wrote this note and left this gift and card:

As parents of a sophomore student we have had many years and quite a bit of variety of teachers.  This year by far has been the best academic year in Jxxxxxx's academic career thus far and you have played a significant role in this years success.

The level of understanding with regards to Jxxxxxxxx's academic needs as well as the open willingness to communicate with us as active parents in regards to Jxxxxxx’s academics is invaluable.  We can only hope that we are as fortunate in the upcoming years to have educators who are equally as vested in our sons future as you all have been.

Thank you for caring enough to give 150% of yourself to your  students. 

People do notice the little things, or at least I do.......

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