
Monday, November 16, 2015

Cyclocross Season 2: Races 4 and 5..... Germantown and Rockburn Races 2015

So, this weekend I competed in two races: Germantown and Rockburn! (Read about Germantown 2014 and Rockburn 2014 by clicking on the links.)

The Germantown race was on Saturday, and it was great to be among fellow cyclocross racers. The atmosphere was fun, and I absolutely loved the course; lots of riding and not a lot of dismounting. The course was challenging as usual, but I felt great. Of course I got winded, but I kept on keeping on. I normally do not race in the forty-five plus field, but today, I decided to embrace my age and that felt good as well.

After the race, the female racers all gathered to talk about the course, hackle each other, and we went to see the results. There were 8 women in my field, and I was number 6. (Super excited that I did my best, and I was not last.)

I left the race feeling good!

The Rockburn race was on Sunday, and it was a tough, fun course: short steep hills, a long climb, dips, riding on the side of hills, and a sandpit which all added up to be a good CX course.

I rode with the forty-five plus women group again and had such a good time on the course. I wasn’t so concerned about if I was first or last; I was more concerned about doing my best and having fun, and I did both.

The race ended, and I could not wait for the results; I need to hurry home to change in order to make it to DC to hear Margo Jefferson talk about her new book Negroland.

Well, I have been checking for the results from the Rockburn race all day today, and they are not posted yet. Yep, I am not worried about where I placed, but I sure do want to know.

I will definitely be doing these two races for years to come....

Find a hobby, and become its slave.

Happy Monday!!

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