
Monday, December 21, 2015

Book Riot and The Read Harder Challenge!

If you love books and authors, then the DC area is the place to be; there are always literary events going on!

I took some time to look over the books that I read in 2015, and I realized that I did some heavy reading. While I loved most of the books that I read, I've decided that in 2016 I would broaden my horizons some.

So, I heard about a book club meeting that was being held at Upshur bookstore in DC. (President Obama recently visited this bookstore with his girls.) Once I realized that this was a casual book meeting where people would casually sit around and  talk about books, I decided to give this book group a try, and I am so happy that I did.

There were seven people in attendance besides myself, and I realized that this book club is part of the online book group called Book Riot which is a huge book review website and so much more. (Never heard of Book Riot, but now I know.) Book Riot has Read Harder book groups in different cities, and the book club meeting that I attended was one of the Read Harder book groups.

The Reader Harder book groups offers a challenge, and the challenge is to read harder. The way that they want people to read harder is that they give a list of genres of books such as horror, essays, book in a series by a person of color, a food memoir, a play etc. The reader will fill out the challenge sheet as they read books in the genres that are listed, and by the end of the year, a person would have read all types of book. What a good way to get people to read out of their comfort zone!

The Read Harder Challenge sheet, and I even got a few suggestions last night!

I enjoyed the group so much; they talked about books and writers that I have never heard of before, and it was great to get recommendations. Needless to say, I will be going back to meet with this group the third Sunday of each month to talk and learn about books.

In 2016, I am going to Read Harder. 

Read about Read Harder book groups here.
Read about Book Riot here.

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