
Thursday, January 28, 2016

No Wasted Time For Me!

I haven’t been to work since last Thursday because of the snow storm, and I ain’t complaining at all.....

Now, if you know me at all, I don’t believe in wasted time. No. Not at All!

I believe in cherishing every moment, because moments are gifts, and that is one of the reason why I gave up TV. Yep, I gave up TV... There were no shows that I watched religiously, but if I had downtime, I would watch whatever was on TV. If someone asked me what I had watched maybe an hour later, I wouldn’t remember.... So, to me, that must have been wasted time. Now, I spend that TV time listening to music and inspirational talks, reading, cleaning my house, or sitting quietly with my thoughts.

So, on this God given break, I decided to cherish every single moment....

After the storm, I decided to survey my neighborhood by foot, and it felt so good to be out and about on an incredibly, sunny day. I just happened to run into one of my neighbors who was also feeling the need to move around, and so we happily walked to THE CVS. I bought a few things and left her at CVS while I continued to walk in my neighborhood. I just loved seeing so many people out and about walking and some people were digging their cars out. I finally made it back home happy and content.

I’ve done my workouts just about everyday except Monday; my body needed a break.

I read In Darkness by Nick Lake and wrote a blog about that incredible book. I started reading Ruby by Cynthia Bond, and this book is stirring so many emotions. I am only over one hundred pages in, and I don’t want to judge this book too quickly, but right now, Cynthia Bond is a master storyteller. This book reminds me so much of Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison; one of my all time favorite books in the entire World.

I have done things that I have been putting off like cleaning my bicycle and the inside of my refrigerator. I helped a friend work on some of his goals, I finished and submitted some work for presentations that I will be doing this summer, and I have been diligently working on my career by sending out tons of emails and reading, reading, and reading, and reaching out to people for help. I have even planned, in my mind, how I am going to end this semester with my students, and I sent emails to the students to let them know what to expect. 

My cousin, Demarus, sent me a recording of Toni Morrison’s interview on NPR, and I thought that I could not love Toni Morrison more, BUT I DO! Toni talked about the fact that she did not start writing until she was forty, and this was confirmation that it’s never too late to actualize our dreams.

However, one of the highlights of this break was visiting a fellow Skegee friend to take her some of that Skegee love that always helps with healing:

Now, I do believe in downtime and downtime probably looks differently for every single person. Downtime to me is feeding my mind with lots of reading and thinking. So, although I have been quite busy during my God given break, I have also had quite a bit of downtime. 

There was no way that I could have all of this time off and not make the most of it. When I finally do go back to work, which will not be until Monday, which will be a teacher workday, I will go back rejuvenated, happy, and feeling accomplished. I hope the kids are ready, because the teacher will be on 100!

No Wasted Time For Me!

Happy, Happy, Happy Thursday

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