
Monday, January 15, 2018

Kind, Servant-Leader, Resisting.......

Recently, I read an incredible Young Adult (YA) book titled Dear Martin by Nic Stone. At the very end of the book, Stone posed a question: “Who would Martin BE???”

I know we talk a lot about the things that Dr. King would do or say if he was living, but today, I want to image who would Dr. King BE he if was with us today?

I believe that Dr. King would be kind, saying and doing the things that are needed, but in the spirit of kindness. I believe that he would be kind to all kinds of folks, even those who would spiteful come against him.

I believe that Dr. King would still be a servant-leader. A man who would continue to serve and serve humbly. You know, I think a lot about Dr. King being murdered while he was in Memphis, Tennessee to march with sanitation workers. I want to believe that he did not go into their meetings acting like he knew all of the answers, but I want to believe that he got to Memphis and listened with an empathic ear and took orders and did what the folks needed him to do.

I believe that he would still be resisting. Resisting with Kaepernick. Resisting with Immigrants. Resisting with Educators. Resisting Injustices in this country and other countries.

So, if Dr. King was living, I definitely could not put the pressure on him to be someone that I am not striving to be.....

I could not ask Dr. King to be kind, and I am not actively working to be kind.
I could not ask Dr. King to be a servant-leader, and I am not actively working to be a servant-leader.
I could not ask Dr. King to resist, when I am not actively resisting.

A question that I am asking myself is “Am I being what I would want Dr. King to be?”

For those of us who are on this side of the dirt, we still have time, and we may want to ask ourselves who are we being during our time?

Kind... Servant-Leader.... Resisting!

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